Academic, post-doctoral, graduate and practitioner members
Pilar Andrés
Professor of Psychology, Neuropsychologist, Head of group.
Executive functions, frontal cortex, clinical neuropsychology, cognitive aging, physical exercise
[Personal website] [Researchgate]
Alicia Leiva
Honorary research collaborator
Cognitive aging, distraction, attention, cognitive neuroscience, experimental psychology
[Personal website] [Researchgate]
Professor of Psychology
Auditory attention, deviance distraction, short-term memory, cognitive aging
[Researchgate} [Publons]
Child and adolescent neuropsychology, executive functions
Prof. of Nursing and Physiotherapy. Epidemiologist and Health scientist
Biomedicine and health research
José Ángel Rubiño
Neuropsychologist, Associate Professor
Early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease
Helena vico
M.D., neurologist & psychologist
Cognitive neurology of behavior
MSc & PhD students
Laura gallego
PhD student (FPU)
Attention, cognition and distraction
(Supervised by Prof. Fabrice Parmentier)
PhD Student (FPI)
Attention, cognition and distraction (Supervised by Prof. Fabrice Parmentier)
Miguel Mejias
PhD Student
Neuropsychology of acquired brain damage.(Supervisor: Pilar Andrés)
antonia siquier
PhD Student (FPU grant)
Neuropsychology of aging and early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. (Supervisor: Pilar Andrés)
Former group members
External collaborators
Prof Teresa Bajo, University of Granada, Spain
Prof Soledad Ballesteros, UNED, Spain
Prof. Stefan Berti, Johannes Gutenburg University Mainz, Germany
Dr M. Comeseña, University of Minho, Portugal
Dr J. Elsley, University of Bournemouth, UK
Prof. Yános Horváth, Hungarian Academy of Science, Budapest, Hungary
Prof Dylan Jones, University of Cardiff, UK
Prof. Julie Kirkby, University of Bournemouth
Prof. Juan Lupiáñez Castillo, Universidad de Granada, España
Prof. Bill Macken, Cardiff University, UK
Prof Murray Maybery, University of Western Australia, Australia
Prof Giuliana Mazzoni, University Sapienza, Roma, Italy
Dr Enrique Molina, independent researcher
Prof Louise Phillips, University of Aberdeen, UK
Prof. E. Schröger, University of Leipzig, Germany
Prof. Ana Paula Soares, University of Minho, Portugal
Prof. S. Tremblay, University Laval, Quebec, Canada
Dr Martin Vasilev, University of Bournemouth, UK
Prof Frederick Verbruggen, University of Exeter, UK
Dr Annekatherin Weise, University of Salzburg, Austria